Forráskód Böngészése

use stow for dotfiles

Josh Bicking 7 éve

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 [submodule "antigen"]
-	path = antigen
+	path = antigen/.antigen
 	url =
 [submodule "vim/bundle/Vundle.vim"]
-	path = vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
+	path = vim/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
 	url =

+ 0 - 0
antigen → antigen/.antigen

+ 0 - 0
bashrc → bash/.bashrc

+ 0 - 0
compton.conf → compton/.compton.conf

+ 0 - 191

@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for dircolors, a utility to help you set the
-# LS_COLORS environment variable used by GNU ls with the --color option.
-# Copyright (C) 1996-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
-# are permitted provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.
-# The keywords COLOR, OPTIONS, and EIGHTBIT (honored by the
-# slackware version of dircolors) are recognized but ignored.
-# Below are TERM entries, which can be a glob patterns, to match
-# against the TERM environment variable to determine if it is colorizable.
-TERM Eterm
-TERM ansi
-TERM color-xterm
-TERM con[0-9]*x[0-9]*
-TERM cons25
-TERM console
-TERM cygwin
-TERM dtterm
-TERM eterm-color
-TERM gnome
-TERM gnome-256color
-TERM hurd
-TERM jfbterm
-TERM konsole
-TERM kterm
-TERM linux
-TERM linux-c
-TERM mach-color
-TERM mach-gnu-color
-TERM mlterm
-TERM putty
-TERM putty-256color
-TERM rxvt*
-TERM screen*
-TERM st
-TERM st-256color
-TERM terminator
-TERM tmux*
-TERM vt100
-TERM xterm*
-# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
-# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
-# Attribute codes:
-# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
-# Text color codes:
-# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
-# Background color codes:
-# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
-#NORMAL 00 # no color code at all
-#FILE 00 # regular file: use no color at all
-RESET 0 # reset to "normal" color
-DIR 01;34 # directory
-LINK 01;36 # symbolic link. (If you set this to 'target' instead of a
- # numerical value, the color is as for the file pointed to.)
-MULTIHARDLINK 00 # regular file with more than one link
-FIFO 40;33 # pipe
-SOCK 01;35 # socket
-DOOR 01;35 # door
-BLK 40;33;01 # block device driver
-CHR 40;33;01 # character device driver
-ORPHAN 40;31;01 # symlink to nonexistent file, or non-stat'able file ...
-MISSING 00 # ... and the files they point to
-SETUID 37;41 # file that is setuid (u+s)
-SETGID 30;43 # file that is setgid (g+s)
-CAPABILITY 30;41 # file with capability
-STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE 30;42 # dir that is sticky and other-writable (+t,o+w)
-OTHER_WRITABLE 1;42 # dir that is other-writable (o+w) and not sticky
-STICKY 37;44 # dir with the sticky bit set (+t) and not other-writable
-# This is for files with execute permission:
-EXEC 01;32
-# List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls
-# to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.
-# (and any comments you want to add after a '#')
-# If you use DOS-style suffixes, you may want to uncomment the following:
-#.cmd 01;32 # executables (bright green)
-#.exe 01;32 01;32
-#.btm 01;32
-#.bat 01;32
-# Or if you want to colorize scripts even if they do not have the
-# executable bit actually set. 01;32
-#.csh 01;32
- # archives or compressed (bright red)
-.tar 01;31
-.tgz 01;31
-.arc 01;31
-.arj 01;31
-.taz 01;31
-.lha 01;31
-.lz4 01;31
-.lzh 01;31
-.lzma 01;31
-.tlz 01;31
-.txz 01;31
-.tzo 01;31
-.t7z 01;31 01;31
-.z 01;31
-.Z 01;31 01;31
-.gz 01;31
-.lrz 01;31
-.lz 01;31
-.lzo 01;31
-.xz 01;31
-.bz2 01;31 01;31
-.tbz 01;31
-.tbz2 01;31 01;31
-.deb 01;31
-.rpm 01;31
-.jar 01;31
-.war 01;31
-.ear 01;31
-.sar 01;31
-.rar 01;31
-.alz 01;31
-.ace 01;31
-.zoo 01;31
-.cpio 01;31
-.7z 01;31
-.rz 01;31 01;31
-# image formats
-.jpg 01;35
-.jpeg 01;35
-.gif 01;35
-.bmp 01;35
-.pbm 01;35
-.pgm 01;35
-.ppm 01;35
-.tga 01;35
-.xbm 01;35
-.xpm 01;35
-.tif 01;35
-.tiff 01;35
-.png 01;35
-.svg 01;35
-.svgz 01;35
-.mng 01;35
-.pcx 01;35 01;35
-.mpg 01;35
-.mpeg 01;35
-.m2v 01;35
-.mkv 01;35
-.webm 01;35
-.ogm 01;35
-.mp4 01;35
-.m4v 01;35
-.mp4v 01;35
-.vob 01;35
-.qt 01;35
-.nuv 01;35
-.wmv 01;35
-.asf 01;35
-.rm 01;35
-.rmvb 01;35
-.flc 01;35
-.avi 01;35
-.fli 01;35
-.flv 01;35 01;35
-.dl 01;35
-.xcf 01;35
-.xwd 01;35
-.yuv 01;35
-.cgm 01;35
-.emf 01;35
-.ogv 01;35
-.ogx 01;35
-# audio formats
-.aac 00;36 00;36
-.flac 00;36
-.m4a 00;36
-.mid 00;36
-.midi 00;36
-.mka 00;36
-.mp3 00;36
-.mpc 00;36
-.ogg 00;36
-.ra 00;36
-.wav 00;36
-.oga 00;36
-.opus 00;36
-.spx 00;36
-.xspf 00;36



+ 0 - 1002

@@ -1,1002 +0,0 @@
-;; Package installation
-(require 'package)
-;; Create the package install directory if it doesn't exist
-(setq package-user-dir (format "%selpa_%s/"
-                               user-emacs-directory emacs-major-version)) ; default = ~/.emacs.d/elpa/
-(let* ((no-ssl (and (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
-                    (not (gnutls-available-p))))
-       (proto (if no-ssl "http" "https")))
-  ;; Comment/uncomment these two lines to enable/disable MELPA and MELPA Stable as desired
-  (add-to-list 'package-archives (cons "melpa" (concat proto "://")) t)
-  ;;(add-to-list 'package-archives (cons "melpa-stable" (concat proto "://")) t)
-  (when (< emacs-major-version 24)
-    ;; For important compatibility libraries like cl-lib
-    (add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" . (concat proto "://")))))
-(add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . ""))
-(setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
-(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
-  (package-refresh-contents)
-  (package-install 'use-package))
-  (require 'use-package))
-;;;; Required packages
-(setq use-package-verbose t)
-(use-package diminish
-  :ensure t)
-(diminish 'visual-line-mode)
-(diminish 'abbrev-mode)
-(diminish 'eldoc-mode)
-(use-package autorevert
-  :diminish auto-revert-mode)
-(use-package iedit
-  :ensure t)
-(defmacro hail (p)
-  (list 'use-package p ':ensure 't))
-(hail hydra)
-(use-package engine-mode
-  :ensure t)
-(use-package evil
-  :ensure t
-  :init
-  (defvar evil-want-integration nil)
-  :config
-  (evil-mode t)
-  (setq evil-want-C-i-jump nil)
-  (setq evil-default-state 'normal)
-  ;; Move all elements of evil-emacs-state-modes to evil-motion-state-modes
-  (setq evil-motion-state-modes (append evil-emacs-state-modes evil-motion-state-modes)
-        evil-emacs-state-modes (list 'magit-popup-mode))
-  (delete 'magit-popup-mode evil-motion-state-modes)
-  ;; Don't echo evil's states
-  (setq evil-insert-state-message nil
-        evil-visual-state-message nil)
-  ;; Little words (camelCase)
-  (evil-define-motion evil-little-word (count)
-    :type exclusive
-    (let* ((case-fold-search nil)
-           (count (if count count 1)))
-      (while (> count 0)
-        (forward-char)
-        (search-forward-regexp "[_A-Z]\\|\\W" nil t)
-        (backward-char)
-        (decf count))))
-  ;; Don't litter registers with whitespace
-  (defun destroy-whitespace--evil-delete-around (func beg end type &optional reg yh)
-    (let ((clean-string (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\n]" "" (buffer-substring beg end))))
-      (if (equal "" clean-string)
-          (apply func beg end type ?_ yh)
-        (apply func beg end type reg yh))))
-  (advice-add 'evil-delete :around #'destroy-whitespace--evil-delete-around)
-  ;; eval the last sexp while in normal mode (include the character the cursor is currently on)
-  (defun evil-eval-last-sexp ()
-    (interactive)
-    (evil-append 1)
-    (eval-last-sexp nil)
-    (evil-normal-state))
-  ;; select recently pasted text
-  ;; from
-  (defun my/evil-select-pasted ()
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((start-marker (evil-get-marker ?[))
-        (end-marker (evil-get-marker ?])))
-        (evil-visual-select start-marker end-marker)))
-  ;; "pull" left and right with zs and ze
-  (defun hscroll-cursor-left ()
-    (interactive "@")
-    (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) (current-column)))
-  (defun hscroll-cursor-right ()
-    (interactive "@")
-    (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) (- (current-column) (window-width) -1)))
-  ;; Horizontal scrolling
-  (setq auto-hscroll-mode 't)
-  (setq hscroll-margin 0
-        hscroll-step 1)
-  (defhydra hydra-window (global-map "C-w")
-    "window layout"
-    ("u" winner-undo "undo")
-    ("U" winner-redo "redo"))
-  ;; Make K select manpage or engine-mode (m for man, g for google?)
-  (defengine google
-    "")
-  (defhydra hydra-lookup-menu ()
-    "Choose lookup"
-    ("g" engine/search-google "Google" :color blue)
-    ("m" evil-lookup "man" :color blue))
-  (define-key evil-normal-state-map "K" 'hydra-lookup-menu/body)
-  (define-key evil-visual-state-map "K" 'hydra-lookup-menu/body)
-  ;; These go out here, because undefining keybinds is hard
-  (define-key global-map "\C-j" nil)
-  (define-key evil-normal-state-map "\C-j" 'flyspell-goto-next-error)
-  (evil-define-key 'normal package-menu-mode-map "q" 'quit-window)
-  (defun evil-passthrough-key (state mode key)
-    "Use the default binding for KEY in MODE, rather than the evil-mode binding, for STATE."
-    (evil-define-key state mode (kbd key) (evil-lookup-key mode (kbd key))))
-  :bind (:map evil-normal-state-map
-              ("zs" . hscroll-cursor-left)
-              ("ze" . hscroll-cursor-right)
-              ("[s" . flyspell-goto-previous-error)
-              ("]s" . flyspell-goto-next-error)
-              ("\C-k" . flyspell-goto-previous-error)
-              ("\C-x \C-e" . evil-eval-last-sexp)
-              ("j" . evil-next-visual-line)
-              ("k" . evil-previous-visual-line)
-              ("gj" . evil-next-line)
-              ("gk" . evil-previous-line)
-         ; :map Info-mode-map
-         ;      ("g" . nil)
-         ;      ("n" . nil)
-         ;      ("p" . nil)
-         :map evil-window-map
-              ("q" . delete-window)
-              ("C-q" . delete-window)
-	      ("x" . kill-buffer-and-window)
-         :map Buffer-menu-mode-map
-	      ("SPC" . nil)))
-(use-package evil-numbers
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  ;; Increment and decrement (evil-numbers)
-  (defhydra hydra-numbers (global-map "C-x")
-    "modify numbers"
-    ("a" evil-numbers/inc-at-pt "increment")
-    ("x" evil-numbers/dec-at-pt "decrement")))
-(use-package undo-tree
-  :ensure t
-  :diminish undo-tree-mode
-  :init
-  (setq undo-tree-enable-undo-in-region nil))
-(use-package undohist
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  ;; Save undo history under .emacs.d/undohist
-  (setq undohist-directory "~/.emacs.d/undohist")
-  (unless (file-exists-p  "~/.emacs.d/undohist")
-    (make-directory "~/.emacs.d/undohist"))
-  (undohist-initialize))
-(use-package powerline-evil
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  (defun powerline-center-evil-theme ()
-    "Setup a mode-line with major, evil, and minor modes centered."
-    (interactive)
-    (setq-default mode-line-format
-		  '("%e"
-		    (:eval
-		     (let* ((active (powerline-selected-window-active))
-			    (mode-line-buffer-id (if active 'mode-line-buffer-id 'mode-line-buffer-id-inactive))
-			    (mode-line (if active 'mode-line 'mode-line-inactive))
-			    (face1 (if active 'powerline-active1 'powerline-inactive1))
-			    (face2 (if active 'powerline-active2 'powerline-inactive2))
-			    (separator-left (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
-							    (powerline-current-separator)
-							    (car powerline-default-separator-dir))))
-			    (separator-right (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
-							     (powerline-current-separator)
-							     (cdr powerline-default-separator-dir))))
-			    (lhs (list (powerline-raw "%*" mode-line 'l)
-				       (powerline-buffer-id mode-line-buffer-id 'l)
-				       (powerline-raw " " mode-line)
-				       (funcall separator-left mode-line face1)
-				       (powerline-narrow face1 'l)
-				       (powerline-vc face1)))
-			    (rhs (list (funcall separator-right face1 mode-line)
-				       (powerline-raw mode-line-misc-info mode-line 'r)
-					;(powerline-raw global-mode-string face1 'r)
-				       (powerline-raw "%2l" mode-line 'r)
-				       (powerline-raw ":" mode-line)
-				       (powerline-raw "%2c" mode-line 'r)
-					;(powerline-raw " ")
-					;(powerline-raw "%6p" mode-line 'r)
-				       (powerline-hud face2 face1)))
-			    (center (append (list (powerline-raw " " face1)
-						  (funcall separator-left face1 face2)
-						  (when (and (boundp 'erc-track-minor-mode) erc-track-minor-mode)
-						    (powerline-raw erc-modified-channels-object face2 'l))
-						  (powerline-major-mode face2 'l)
-						  (powerline-process face2)
-						  (powerline-raw " " face2))
-					    (if (split-string (format-mode-line minor-mode-alist))
-						(append (if evil-mode
-							    (list (funcall separator-right face2 face1)
-								  (powerline-raw evil-mode-line-tag face1 'l)
-								  (powerline-raw " " face1)
-								  (funcall separator-left face1 face2)))
-							(list (powerline-minor-modes face2 'l)
-							      (powerline-raw " " face2)
-							      (funcall separator-right face2 face1)))
-					      (list (powerline-raw evil-mode-line-tag face2)
-						    (funcall separator-right face2 face1))))))
-		       (concat (powerline-render lhs)
-			       (powerline-fill-center face1 (/ (powerline-width center) 2.0))
-			       (powerline-render center)
-			       (powerline-fill face1 (powerline-width rhs))
-			       (powerline-render rhs)))))))
-  (defun powerline-evil-vim-theme ()
-    "Powerline's Vim-like mode-line with evil state at the beginning."
-    (interactive)
-    (setq-default mode-line-format
-		  '("%e"
-		    (:eval
-		     (let* ((active (powerline-selected-window-active))
-			    (mode-line (if active 'mode-line 'mode-line-inactive))
-			    (face1 (if active 'powerline-active1 'powerline-inactive1))
-			    (face2 (if active 'powerline-active2 'powerline-inactive2))
-			    (separator-left (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
-							    (powerline-current-separator)
-							    (car powerline-default-separator-dir))))
-			    (separator-right (intern (format "powerline-%s-%s"
-							     (powerline-current-separator)
-							     (cdr powerline-default-separator-dir))))
-			    (lhs (list (if evil-mode
-					   (powerline-raw (powerline-evil-tag) mode-line))
-				       (powerline-buffer-id `(mode-line-buffer-id ,mode-line) 'l)
-				       (powerline-raw "[" mode-line 'l)
-				       (powerline-major-mode mode-line)
-				       (powerline-process mode-line)
-				       (powerline-raw "]" mode-line)
-				       (when (buffer-modified-p)
-					 (powerline-raw "[+]" mode-line))
-				       (when buffer-read-only
-					 (powerline-raw "[RO]" mode-line))
-				       ;; (powerline-raw (concat "[" (mode-line-eol-desc) "]") mode-line)
-				       (when (and (boundp 'which-func-mode) which-func-mode)
-					 (powerline-raw which-func-format nil 'l))
-				       (when (boundp 'erc-modified-channels-object)
-					 (powerline-raw erc-modified-channels-object face1 'l))
-				       (powerline-raw "[" mode-line 'l)
-				       (powerline-minor-modes mode-line) (powerline-raw "%n" mode-line)
-				       (powerline-raw "]" mode-line)
-				       (when (and vc-mode buffer-file-name)
-					 (let ((backend (vc-backend buffer-file-name)))
-					   (when backend
-					     (concat (powerline-raw "[" mode-line 'l)
-						     (powerline-raw (format "%s / %s" backend (vc-working-revision buffer-file-name backend)))
-						     (powerline-raw "]" mode-line)))))))
-			    (rhs (list (powerline-raw mode-line-misc-info mode-line 'r)
-				       (powerline-raw global-mode-string mode-line 'r)
-				       (powerline-raw "%l," mode-line 'l)
-				       (powerline-raw (format-mode-line '(10 "%c")))
-				       (powerline-raw (replace-regexp-in-string  "%" "%%" (format-mode-line '(-3 "%p"))) mode-line 'r))))
-		       (concat (powerline-render lhs)
-			       (powerline-fill mode-line (powerline-width rhs))
-			       (powerline-render rhs)))))))
-  (if (or (display-graphic-p) (daemonp))
-      (powerline-center-evil-theme)
-    (powerline-evil-vim-theme)))
-;; TODO look at smart-mode-line-powerline and see if i can write my own smart-mode-line config
-; (use-package smart-mode-line
-;   :ensure t
-;   :init
-;   :config
-;   (setq sml/no-confirm-load-theme t)
-;   (setq sml/mule-info nil)
-;   (setq sml/show-frame-identification nil)
-;   (sml/setup))
-; (use-package spaceline
-;   :ensure t
-;   :config
-;   (require 'spaceline-config)
-;   (spaceline-spacemacs-theme))
-; (use-package telephone-line
-;   :ensure t
-;   :after evil-surround
-;   :config
-;   ;; These don't have any effect, surprise surprise
-;   (set-face-attribute 'telephone-line-evil-emacs t :inherit 'telephone-line-evil)
-;   (set-face-attribute 'telephone-line-evil-insert t :inherit 'telephone-line-evil)
-;   (set-face-attribute 'telephone-line-evil-motion t :inherit 'telephone-line-evil)
-;   (set-face-attribute 'telephone-line-evil-normal t :inherit 'telephone-line-evil)
-;   (set-face-attribute 'telephone-line-evil-operator t :inherit 'telephone-line-evil)
-;   (setq telephone-line-evil-use-short-tag t)
-;   (telephone-line-evil-config))
-(use-package linum-relative
-  :ensure t
-  :diminish linum-relative-mode
-  :config
-  (setq linum-relative-current-symbol "")
-  (if (not (or (display-graphic-p) (daemonp)))
-      (setq linum-relative-format "%3s "))
-  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'linum-relative-mode)
-  (defun linum-update-window-scale-fix (win)
-    "fix linum for scaled text"
-    (set-window-margins
-     win
-     (ceiling (* (if (boundp 'text-scale-mode-step)
-                     (expt text-scale-mode-step
-                           text-scale-mode-amount) 1)
-                 (if (car (window-margins))
-                     (car (window-margins)) 1)
-                 ))))
-  (advice-add #'linum-update-window
-              :after #'linum-update-window-scale-fix))
-(use-package bind-map
-  :ensure t
-  :after evil
-  :after evil-numbers
-  :config
-  (bind-map
-   my-base-leader-map
-   :keys ("M-m")
-   :evil-keys ("SPC")
-   :evil-states (normal motion visual)
-   :bindings
-   ("d" 'diff-buffer-with-file
-    "b" 'buffer-menu
-    "f" 'treemacs-toggle
-    "u" 'undo-tree-visualize
-    "l" 'auto-fill-mode
-    "s" 'flyspell-toggle-correct-mode
-    "a" 'company-mode
-    "g" 'magit-status
-    "c" 'flycheck-mode
-    "w" '(lambda () (interactive)
-	   ;; "writing" mode
-	   (variable-pitch-mode)
-	   (visual-line-mode))
-    "p" 'my/evil-select-pasted
-    "/" 'swiper
-    "v" 'ivy-switch-buffer
-    "n" 'hydra-numbers/body
-    ;; TODO find a better way to display this
-    ;; TODO add button to kill this: maybe k1, k2, etc.?
-    "1" 'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-1
-    "2" 'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-2
-    "3" 'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-3
-    "4" 'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-4
-    "5" 'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-5
-    "6" 'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-6
-    "7" 'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-7
-    "8" 'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-8
-    "9" 'eyebrowse-switch-to-window-config-9))
-  (bind-map
-    my-elisp-map
-    :keys ("M-m")
-    :evil-keys ("SPC")
-    :major-modes (emacs-lisp-mode)
-    :bindings
-    ("el" 'evil-eval-last-sexp
-     "er" 'eval-region
-     "eb" 'eval-buffer)))
-(use-package treemacs
-  :ensure t
-  :bind (:map treemacs-mode-map
-	      ("." . treemacs-toggle-show-dotfiles)))
-(use-package treemacs-evil
-  :after treemacs
-  :ensure t)
-(use-package editorconfig
-  :ensure t
-  :diminish editorconfig-mode
-  :config
-  (editorconfig-mode 1))
-(use-package ivy
-  :ensure t
-  :diminish ivy-mode
-  :config
-  (ivy-mode)
-  (setq ivy-use-virtual-buffers t))
-(use-package flx
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  (setq ivy-re-builders-alist '((t . ivy--regex-fuzzy))))
-(use-package company
-  :ensure t
-  :diminish company-mode
-  :config
-  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'company-mode)
-(use-package flycheck
-  :ensure t
-  :diminish flycheck-mode
-  :config
-  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
-  (setq flycheck-check-syntax-automatically '(idle-change new-line save mode-enabled))
-  (setq flycheck-checkers (delq 'emacs-lisp-checkdoc flycheck-checkers)))
-(use-package flycheck-pos-tip
-  :ensure t
-  :after flycheck
-  :config
-  (flycheck-pos-tip-mode))
-(use-package evil-surround
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  (global-evil-surround-mode 1))
-(use-package dtrt-indent
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  (setq global-mode-string (delq 'dtrt-indent-mode-line-info global-mode-string))
-  (dtrt-indent-mode 1))
-(use-package org
-  :commands org-mode
-  :after bind-map
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  (setq org-log-done 'time)
-  (defun org->odt->pdf ()
-    "Someday I'll learn how to properly format the LaTeX to PDF output."
-    (interactive)
-    (org-odt-export-to-odt)
-    (shell-command
-     (concat
-      "libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf \"" (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-name)) ".odt\""
-      " && echo Done")))
-  (setq org-html-table-default-attributes '(:border "2" :cellspacing "0" :cellpadding "6" :rules "all" :frame "border"))
-  (setq org-latex-minted-options
-    '("breaklines"))
-  (defun org-variable-toggle-latex-fragment ()
-    "Toggle LaTeX fragment, taking into account the current zoom size of the buffer."
-    (interactive)
-    (if (boundp 'text-scale-mode-amount)
-	(let ((org-format-latex-options (plist-put org-format-latex-options :scale text-scale-mode-amount)))
-	  (org-toggle-latex-fragment))
-      (org-toggle-latex-fragment)))
-  (face-attribute 'default :font)
-  ;; I might experiemnt with gnuplot and notes in the future.
-  ;; (org-babel-do-load-languages
-  ;;  'org-babel-load-languages
-  ;;  '((gnuplot . t)))
-  ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c c") 'org-capture)
-  (bind-map
-   my-org-map
-   :keys ("M-m")
-   :evil-keys ("SPC")
-   :major-modes (org-mode)
-   :bindings
-   (;"ol" 'org-toggle-latex-fragment
-    "ol" 'org-variable-toggle-latex-fragment
-    "ot" 'org-timeline
-    "oa" 'org-archive-subtree
-    "od" 'org-deadline
-    "os" 'org-schedule
-    "op" 'org-priority
-    "t" 'org-todo)))
-(use-package org-agenda
-  :commands org-agenda org-timeline
-  :after org
-  :after evil
-  :config
-  ;; Rip org-timeline
-  (defun org-timeline ()
-    (interactive)
-      (let ((org-agenda-custom-commands
-	'(("z" "" agenda ""
-	   ((org-agenda-span 'year)
-	    ;; (org-agenda-time-grid nil)
-	    (org-agenda-show-all-dates nil)
-	    ;; (org-agenda-entry-types '(:deadline)) ;; this entry excludes :scheduled
-	    (org-deadline-warning-days 0))))))
-	(org-agenda nil "z" 'buffer)))
-  ;; Not sure if this can be placed in a :bind statement
-  (evil-define-key 'motion org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "RET") '(lambda () (interactive) (org-agenda-switch-to t)))
-  (setq org-agenda-files (quote ("~/Owncloud/org/"))))
-(use-package org-preview-html
-  :commands org-preview-html/preview
-  :after org
-  :ensure t)
-(use-package evil-ediff
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  (add-hook 'ediff-load-hook 'evil-ediff-init))
-(use-package rainbow-delimiters
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'rainbow-delimiters-mode))
-(use-package rainbow-identifiers
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'rainbow-identifiers-mode)
-  (setq rainbow-identifiers-faces-to-override
-        '(
-          font-lock-constant-face
-          font-lock-type-face
-          font-lock-function-name-face
-          font-lock-variable-name-face
-          font-lock-keyword-face)))
-(use-package rainbow-mode
-  :ensure t
-  :diminish rainbow-mode
-  :config
-  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'rainbow-mode))
-(use-package eyebrowse
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  (eyebrowse-mode t)
-  (eyebrowse-setup-evil-keys)
-  (setq eyebrowse-new-workspace t))
-(use-package solarized-theme
-  :ensure t)
-(use-package solaire-mode
-  :ensure t
-  :config
-  ;; highlight the minibuffer when it is activated
-  (set-face-attribute 'solaire-minibuffer-face nil :inherit 'solaire-default-face :background "gainsboro")
-  (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'solaire-mode-in-minibuffer))
-(use-package evil-goggles
-  :ensure t
-  :diminish evil-goggles-mode
-  :config
-  (evil-goggles-mode)
-  ;; optionally use diff-mode's faces; as a result, deleted text
-  ;; will be highlighed with `diff-removed` face which is typically
-  ;; some red color (as defined by the color theme)
-  ;; other faces such as `diff-added` will be used for other actions
-  (evil-goggles-use-diff-faces))
-;; TODO Finish up special rules for windows like help and repl windows.
-;; Where they're positioned, whether or not they're focused, etc.
-(use-package shackle
-  :ensure t
-  :init
-  (shackle-mode)
-  (setq shackle-rules '(("*Python*" :align t :size 0.2)
-			("*Help*" :align t :size 0.4 :select t)
-			("\\`\\*intero:.*:repl\\*\\'" :regexp t :align t :size 0.4))))
-(use-package which-key
-  :ensure t
-  :diminish which-key-mode
-  :config
-  (setq which-key-idle-delay 0.5)
-  (which-key-mode)
-  ;(which-key-setup-minibuffer)
-  (which-key-setup-side-window-bottom)
-  (defvar i 1)
-  (while (< i 10)
-    (let ((cell (cons (cons (number-to-string i) nil) '(lambda (cs) t))))
-      (add-to-list 'which-key-replacement-alist cell))
-    (setq i (+ i 1)))
-  (makunbound 'i)
-  (which-key-add-key-based-replacements
-  "SPC d" "Diff buffer w/ file"))
-;; OS specific
-(use-package magit
-  :commands magit-status
-  :if (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
-  :ensure t
-  :defer t
-  :diminish magit-auto-revert-mode
-  :config
-  (evil-magit-init))
-(use-package evil-magit
-  :if (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
-  :ensure t
-  :commands evil-magit-init)
-(use-package multi-term
-  :if (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
-  :ensure t)
-(use-package esup
-  :commands esup
-  :ensure t)
-(use-package highlight-indent-guides
-  :ensure t
-  :init
-  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'highlight-indent-guides-mode)
-  :config
-  (setq highlight-indent-guides-method 'column))
-(use-package evil-collection
-  :ensure t
-  :after evil
-  :init
-  (setq evil-collection-setup-minibuffer t)
-  :config
-  (evil-collection-init))
-;; global-prettify-symbols doesn't play nice on Windows
-(if (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt))
-    (global-prettify-symbols-mode))
-(require 'prettify-custom-symbols)
-(use-package yasnippet
-  :ensure t
-  :commands yas-minor-mode
-  :init
-  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'yas-minor-mode)
-  :config
-  (yas-reload-all)
-  ;; Add yasnippet support for all company backends
-  ;;
-  (defvar company-mode/enable-yas t
-    "Enable yasnippet for all backends.")
-  (defun company-mode/backend-with-yas (backend)
-    (if (or (not company-mode/enable-yas) (and (listp backend) (member 'company-yasnippet backend)))
-        backend
-      (append (if (consp backend) backend (list backend))
-              '(:with company-yasnippet))))
-  (setq company-backends (mapcar #'company-mode/backend-with-yas company-backends)))
-(use-package yasnippet-snippets
-  :ensure t
-  :after yasnippet)
-(use-package gnus
-  :ensure t
-  :init
-  (add-hook 'gnus-group-mode-hook 'gnus-topic-mode)
-  (add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook
-            '(lambda () (cl-loop for mode in (list gnus-article-mode-map gnus-group-mode-map gnus-summary-mode-map)
-                         do (cl-loop for key in (list "RET" "G")
-                                  do (evil-passthrough-key 'motion mode key)))))
-  (add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook '(lambda () (gnus-demon-add-handler 'gnus-demon-scan-mail 5 1)))
-  :config
-  (setq gnus-select-method '(nntp ""))
-  (setq gnus-thread-sort-functions '(gnus-thread-sort-by-most-recent-date gnus-thread-sort-by-most-recent-number))
-  (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
-               '(nnimap "gmail"
-                        (nnimap-address "")
-                        (nnimap-server-port 993)
-                        (nnimap-stream ssl)
-                        (nnir-search-engine imap)
-                        ;; @see
-                        ;; press 'E' to expire email
-                        (nnmail-expiry-target "nnimap+gmail:[Gmail]/Trash")
-                        (nnmail-expiry-wait 90)))
-  (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
-               '(nnimap "comcast"
-                        (nnimap-address "")
-                        (nnimap-server-port 993)
-                        (nnimap-stream ssl)
-                        (nnir-search-engine imap)
-                        (nnmail-expiry-target "nnimap+comcast:Trash")
-                        (nnmail-expiry-wait 90)))
-  (add-hook 'gnus-topic-mode-hook
-    '(lambda ()
-       (setq gnus-message-archive-group '((format-time-string "sent.%Y")))
-       (setq gnus-topic-topology '(("Gnus" visible)
-                                   (("misc" visible))
-                                   (("comcast" visible nil nil))
-                                   (("gmail" visible nil nil))
-                                   (("feeds" visible nil nil))))
-       (gnus-topic-move-matching ".*comcast.*" "comcast")
-       (gnus-topic-move-matching ".*gmail.*" "gmail")
-       (gnus-topic-move-matching "gwene.*" "feeds")
-       (setq gnus-topic-alist (mapcar 'delete-dups gnus-topic-alist)))))
-(use-package gnus-desktop-notify
-  :ensure t
-  :after gnus
-  :config
-  (gnus-desktop-notify-mode))
-;;;; Optional packages
-(use-package flymd
-  :defer t
-  :config
-  (setq flymd-close-buffer-delete-temp-files t))
-(use-package web-mode
-  :defer t
-  :config
-  ;; 2 spaces for an indent
-  (defun my-web-mode-hook ()
-    "Hooks for Web mode."
-    (setq web-mode-markup-indent-offset 2
-          web-mode-enable-auto-closing t
-          web-mode-enable-auto-pairing t)
-    )
-  (add-hook 'web-mode-hook  'my-web-mode-hook)
-  ;; Auto-enable web-mode when opening relevent files
-  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.html\\'" . web-mode))
-  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.hbs\\'" . web-mode))
-  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.handlebars\\'" . web-mode)))
-(setq js-indent-level 2)
-(use-package tide
-  :mode "\\.ts\\'"
-  :config
-  (setq typescript-indent-level 2))
-(use-package racket-mode
-  :mode "\\.scm\\'"
-  :config
-  ;; C-w prefix in racket-REPL
-  (add-hook 'racket-repl-mode-hook 'racket-repl-evil-hook)
-  (defun racket-repl-evil-hook ()
-    (define-key racket-repl-mode-map "\C-w" 'evil-window-map)
-    (global-set-key (kbd "C-w") 'racket-repl-mode-map)))
-(use-package intero
-  :commands intero-mode
-  :config
-  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'intero-mode)
-  (bind-map
-   my-haskell-map
-   :keys ("M-m")
-   :evil-keys ("SPC")
-   :major-modes (haskell-mode)
-   :bindings
-   ("l" 'intero-repl-load
-    "r" 'intero-repl)))
-(use-package emojify
-  :defer t
-  :config
-  (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-emojify-mode))
-(use-package latex-preview-pane
-  :commands latex-preview-pane-mode)
-(use-package slime
-  :after bind-key
-  :commands slime slime-mode
-  :init
-  (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.cl$" . common-lisp-mode) auto-mode-alist))
-  (add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook 'slime-mode)
-  :config
-  (setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")
-  (slime-setup)
-  (defun evil-slime-eval-last-expression ()
-    (interactive)
-    (evil-append 1)
-    (slime-eval-last-expression)
-    (evil-normal-state))
-  (bind-map
-   my-slime-map
-   :keys ("M-m")
-   :evil-keys ("SPC")
-   :major-modes (lisp-mode)
-   :bindings
-   ("el" 'evil-slime-eval-last-expression
-    "er" 'slime-eval-region
-    "eb" 'slime-compile-and-load-file)))
-(use-package slime-company
-  :defer t
-  :after slime)
-;; TODO learn/configure auctex
-(use-package auctex
-  :defer t)
-(use-package atomic-chrome
-  :defer t
-  :config
-  (atomic-chrome-start-server))
-;; List of optional packages
-(defvar optional-packages
-      '(
-        flymd
-        web-mode
-        tide
-        racket-mode
-        intero
-        emojify
-        latex-preview-pane
-	slime
-	slime-company
-        markdown-mode
-	auctex
-	company-auctex
-        atomic-chrome
-        ))
-(defvar packages-installed-this-session nil)
-(defun ensure-package-installed (prompt package)
-  "Ensure a package is installed, and (optionally) ask if it isn't."
-  (if (not (package-installed-p package))
-      (if (or prompt (y-or-n-p (format "Package %s is missing. Install it? " package)))
-	  ;; If this is the 1st install this session, update before install
-	  (cond ((not packages-installed-this-session)
-		 (package-refresh-contents)
-		 (setq packages-installed-this-session t)
-		 (package-install package))
-		(t (package-install package))
-		nil)
-	package)))
-(defun optional-packages-install ()
-  "Ask to install any optional packages."
-  (interactive)
-  (mapcar (lambda (package) (ensure-package-installed nil package)) optional-packages))
-;;;; Builtin configs
-(defvar gdb-many-windows t)
-(setq tramp-syntax (quote default))
-(setq prolog-program-name "swipl")
-(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.pl\\'" . prolog-mode))
-  my-prolog-map
-  :keys ("M-m")
-  :evil-keys ("SPC")
-  :major-modes (prolog-mode)
-  :bindings
-  ("l" 'prolog-consult-buffer))
-(use-package doc-view
-  :defer t
-  :config
-  (evil-define-key 'motion doc-view-mode-map
-    (kbd "k") 'doc-view-previous-line-or-previous-page
-    (kbd "j") 'doc-view-next-line-or-next-page
-    (kbd "C-b") 'doc-view-previous-page
-    (kbd "C-f") 'doc-view-next-page)
-(use-package flyspell
-  :commands flyspell-goto-previous-error flyspell-goto-next-error flyspell-toggle-correct-mode
-  :config
-  ;; move point to previous error
-  ;; based on code by hatschipuh at
-  ;;
-  (defun flyspell-goto-previous-error (arg)
-    "Go to arg previous spelling error."
-    (interactive "p")
-    (while (not (= 0 arg))
-      (let ((pos (point))
-            (min (point-min)))
-        (if (and (eq (current-buffer) flyspell-old-buffer-error)
-                 (eq pos flyspell-old-pos-error))
-            (progn
-              (if (= flyspell-old-pos-error min)
-                  ;; goto beginning of buffer
-                  (progn
-                    (message "Restarting from end of buffer")
-                    (goto-char (point-max)))
-                (backward-word 1))
-              (setq pos (point))))
-        ;; seek the next error
-        (while (and (> pos min)
-                    (let ((ovs (overlays-at pos))
-                          (r '()))
-                      (while (and (not r) (consp ovs))
-                        (if (flyspell-overlay-p (car ovs))
-                            (setq r t)
-                          (setq ovs (cdr ovs))))
-                      (not r)))
-          (backward-word 1)
-          (setq pos (point)))
-        ;; save the current location for next invocation
-        (setq arg (1- arg))
-        (setq flyspell-old-pos-error pos)
-        (setq flyspell-old-buffer-error (current-buffer))
-        (goto-char pos)
-        (if (= pos min)
-            (progn
-              (message "No more miss-spelled word!")
-              (setq arg 0))))))
-  (defun flyspell-toggle-correct-mode ()
-    "Decide whether to use flyspell-mode or flyspell-prog-mode, then properly toggle."
-    (interactive)
-    ;; use flyspell-mode when in text buffers
-    ;; otherwise use flyspell-prog-mode
-    (let* ((current-mode
-            (buffer-local-value 'major-mode (current-buffer)))
-           (flyspell-mode-to-call
-            (if (or (string= current-mode "text-mode") (string= current-mode "markdown-mode"))
-                'flyspell-mode
-              'flyspell-prog-mode)))
-      ;; toggle the current flyspell mode, and
-      ;; eval the buffer if we turned it on
-      (if flyspell-mode
-          (funcall 'flyspell-mode '0)
-        (funcall flyspell-mode-to-call)
-        (flyspell-buffer))))
-  (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)
-  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'flyspell-prog-mode))
-(use-package hideshow
-  :config
-  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook
-            'hs-minor-mode)
-  (add-hook 'hs-minor-mode-hook
-            (lambda ()
-              (diminish 'hs-minor-mode))))
-(use-package recentf
-  :config
-  (recentf-mode 1)
-  (setq recentf-max-saved-items 200
-        recentf-max-menu-items 15)
-  (add-to-list 'recentf-exclude ".*.emacs\\.d/elpa.*"))
-(use-package dired
-  :bind (:map dired-mode-map
-	      ("SPC" . nil)))
-(provide 'packages)

+ 0 - 168

@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook
-          (lambda ()
-            (setq prettify-symbols-alist
-                  (append
-                   '(
-                     ("->" . ?→)
-                     ("lambda" . ?λ)
-                     ("->" . ?→)
-                     ("<=" . ?≤)
-                     (">=" . ?≥)
-                     ("!=" . ?≠)) prettify-symbols-alist))))
-;; List from
-(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook
-            (lambda ()
-              (setq prettify-symbols-alist
-		    (append
-		     '(;; Double-struck letters
-		       ("|A|" . ?𝔸)
-		       ("|B|" . ?𝔹)
-		       ("|C|" . ?ℂ)
-		       ("|D|" . ?𝔻)
-		       ("|E|" . ?𝔼)
-		       ("|F|" . ?𝔽)
-		       ("|G|" . ?𝔾)
-		       ("|H|" . ?ℍ)
-		       ("|I|" . ?𝕀)
-		       ("|J|" . ?𝕁)
-		       ("|K|" . ?𝕂)
-		       ("|L|" . ?𝕃)
-		       ("|M|" . ?𝕄)
-		       ("|N|" . ?ℕ)
-		       ("|O|" . ?𝕆)
-		       ("|P|" . ?ℙ)
-		       ("|Q|" . ?ℚ)
-		       ("|R|" . ?ℝ)
-		       ("|S|" . ?𝕊)
-		       ("|T|" . ?𝕋)
-		       ("|U|" . ?𝕌)
-		       ("|V|" . ?𝕍)
-		       ("|W|" . ?𝕎)
-		       ("|X|" . ?𝕏)
-		       ("|Y|" . ?𝕐)
-		       ("|Z|" . ?ℤ)
-		       ("|gamma|" . ?ℽ)
-		       ("|Gamma|" . ?ℾ)
-		       ("|pi|" . ?ℼ)
-		       ("|Pi|" . ?ℿ)
-		       ;; Types
-		       ("::" . ?∷)
-		       ;; Quantifiers
-		       ("forall" . ?∀)
-		       ("exists" . ?∃)
-		       ;; Arrows
-		       ("-->" . ?⟶)
-		       ("<-" . ?←)
-		       ("<--" . ?⟵)
-		       ("<->" . ?↔)
-		       ("<-->" . ?⟷)
-		       ("=>" . ?⇒)
-		       ("==>" . ?⟹)
-		       ("<==" . ?⟸)
-		       ("<=>" . ?⇔)
-		       ("<==>" . ?⟺)
-		       ("|->" . ?↦)
-		       ("|-->" . ?⟼)
-		       ("<-|" . ?↤)
-		       ("<--|" . ?⟻)
-		       ("|=>" . ?⤇)
-		       ("|==>" . ?⟾)
-		       ("<=|" . ?⤆)
-		       ("<==|" . ?⟽)
-		       ("~>" . ?⇝)
-		       ("<~" . ?⇜)
-		       (">->" . ?↣)
-		       ("<-<" . ?↢)
-		       ("->>" . ?↠)
-		       ("<<-" . ?↞)
-		       (">->>" . ?⤖)
-		       ("<<-<" . ?⬻)
-		       ("<|-" . ?⇽)
-		       ("-|>" . ?⇾)
-		       ("<|-|>" . ?⇿)
-		       ("<-/-" . ?↚)
-		       ("-/->" . ?↛)
-		       ("<-|-" . ?⇷)
-		       ("-|->" . ?⇸)
-		       ("<-|->" . ?⇹)
-		       ("<-||-" . ?⇺)
-		       ("-||->" . ?⇻)
-		       ("<-||->" . ?⇼)
-		       ("-o->" . ?⇴)
-		       ("<-o-" . ?⬰)
-		       ;; Boolean operators
-		       ("not" . ?¬)
-		       ("&&" . ?∧)
-		       ("||" . ?∨)
-		       ;; Relational operators
-		       ("==" . ?≡)
-		       ("/=" . ?≠)
-		       ("<=" . ?≤)
-		       (">=" . ?≥)
-		       ("/<" . ?≮)
-		       ("/>" . ?≯)
-		       ;; Containers / Collections
-		       ("++" . ?⧺)
-		       ("+++" . ?⧻)
-		       ("|||" . ?⫴)
-		       ("empty" . ?∅)
-		       ("elem" . ?∈)
-		       ("notElem" . ?∉)
-		       ("member" . ?∈)
-		       ("notMember" . ?∉)
-		       ("union" . ?∪)
-		       ("intersection" . ?∩)
-		       ("isSubsetOf" . ?⊆)
-                       ("isProperSubsetOf" . ?⊂)
-                       ;; Other
-                       ("<<" . ?≪)
-                       (">>" . ?≫)
-                       ("<<<" . ?⋘)
-                       (">>>" . ?⋙)
-                       ("<|" . ?⊲)
-                       ("|>" . ?⊳)
-                       ("><" . ?⋈)
-                       ("mempty" . ?∅)
-                       ("mappend" . ?⊕)
-                       ("<*>" . ?⊛)
-                       ("undefined" . ?⊥)
-                       (":=" . ?≔)
-                       ("=:" . ?≕)
-                       ("=def" . ?≝)
-                       ("=?" . ?≟)
-                       ("..." . ?…)) prettify-symbols-alist))))
-(setq python--prettify-symbols-alist
-   '(("def" .      #x2131)
-     ("not" .      #x2757)
-     ("return" .   #x27fc)
-     ("yield" .    #x27fb)
-     ("or" . ?∨)
-     ("and" . ?∧)
-     ("None" . ?⊥)
-     ("set()" . ?∅)
-     ("not in" . ?∉)
-     ("in" . ?∈)
-     ("is not" . ?≢)
-     ("is" . ?≡)))
-(provide 'prettify-custom-symbols)

+ 0 - 0
emacs.d/.gitignore → emacs/.emacs.d/.gitignore

+ 0 - 0
emacs.d/init.el → emacs/.emacs.d/init.el

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-:set prompt "\ESC[1;34m%s \ESC[0;34mλ> \ESC[m"

+ 0 - 0
i3/config → i3/.i3/config

+ 0 - 0
i3/config.purple → i3/.i3/config.purple

+ 0 - 0
i3/ → i3/.i3/

+ 0 - 0
i3/i3exit → i3/.i3/i3exit

+ 0 - 0
i3/i3status → i3/.i3/i3status

+ 0 - 0
i3/ → i3/.i3/

+ 0 - 0
i3/ → i3/.i3/

+ 0 - 0
i3/ → i3/.i3/

+ 0 - 0
tmux.conf → tmux/.tmux.conf

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 0 - 0
gvimrc → vim/.gvimrc

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+let g:netrw_dirhistmax  =10
+let g:netrw_dirhist_cnt =6
+let g:netrw_dirhist_1='/home/josh'
+let g:netrw_dirhist_2='/home'
+let g:netrw_dirhist_3='/home/josh'
+let g:netrw_dirhist_4='/home/josh/fallout-terminal-clone'
+let g:netrw_dirhist_5='/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections'
+let g:netrw_dirhist_6='/home/josh/.config/mpv'

+ 0 - 0
vim/CapsEsc.ahk → vim/.vim/CapsEsc.ahk

+ 0 - 0
vim/autoload/pathogen.vim → vim/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim

+ 0 - 0
vim/bundle/Vundle.vim → vim/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

+ 0 - 0
vim/bundle/ → vim/.vim/bundle/

+ 0 - 0
vim/init.vim → vim/.vim/init.vim

+ 0 - 0
vim/undodir/.gitignore → vim/.vim/undodir/.gitignore

+ 0 - 0
vimrc → vim/.vimrc

+ 0 - 0
xmonad/.gitignore → xmonad/.xmonad/.gitignore

+ 0 - 0
xmonad/xmobarrc → xmonad/.xmonad/xmobarrc

+ 0 - 0
xmonad/xmonad-nokde.hs → xmonad/.xmonad/xmonad-nokde.hs

+ 0 - 0
xmonad/xmonad.hs → xmonad/.xmonad/xmonad.hs

+ 0 - 0
zshrc.local.arch → zsh-local-arch/.zshrc.local

+ 0 - 0
zshrc.local.cygwin → zsh-local-cygwin/.zshrc.local

+ 0 - 0
zshrc.local.pi → zsh-local-pi/.zshrc.local

+ 0 - 0
zshrc.local.server → zsh-local-server/.zshrc.local

+ 0 - 0
zshrc.local.tablet → zsh-local-tablet/.zshrc.local

+ 0 - 0
zshrc → zsh/.zshrc

+ 0 - 0