# Josh's Dotfiles Covers zsh, [neo]vim, i3, and emacs. Mostly emacs. ## Usage - Clone the repo with the `--recursive` flag. - Run `stow prog` to install symlinks for prog. For example, `stow emacs` will install symlinks for all emacs dotfiles. ## TODO - [ ] Find a better way to keep my custom ctags executable. - [ ] Override - [ ] Look at smart-mode-line-powerline and see if I can write my own smart-mode-line config - [ ] Find a better way to display all the eyebrowse space bindings - [ ] Add "kill window n" eyebrowse keybindings - [ ] Finish up Shackle rules for windows like help and repl windows. Where they're positioned, whether or not they're focused, etc. - [ ] Learn/configure auctex - [ ] Override/work with evil goto-definition, depending on my mode (for example, use `intero-goto-definion` in haskell buffers)