# Author: Josh Bicking from praatio import tgio import sys from os.path import join import numpy import subprocess if len(sys.argv) != 4: print("Usage: {} FOLDER LANG TIER-NAME".format(sys.argv[0])) print("FOLDER contains the 15 annotated voice samples.") print("LANG is the language (the prefix of the sound/TextGrid files, english or russian).") print("TIER-NAME is the name of the ipa tier. Either 'ipa' or 'IPA-phones'.") exit(1) folder = sys.argv[1] langname = sys.argv[2] tiername = sys.argv[3] # list of vowels vowels = ["i","y","ɨ","ʉ","ɯ","u","ɪ","ʏ","ɪ̈","ʊ̈", "ʊ","e","ø","ɘ","ɵ","ɤ","o","e̞","ø̞", "ə","ɤ̞","o̞","ɛ","œ","ɜ","ɞ","ʌ","ɔ", "æ","ɐ","a","ɶ","ä","ɑ","ɒ"] # List of all VOTs discovered vot = {} # Open all Files lang = [] russian = [] for i in range(1,16): lang.append(tgio.openTextgrid(join(folder, "{}{}.TextGrid".format(langname, i))).tierDict[tiername].entryList) # Find all stop consonants with a vowel after them stop_consonants = ["t", "d", "k", "g", "p", "b", "ʔ"] for i in range(0,15): for j in range(0, len(lang[i])): if (lang[i][j].label != "" # Not silence and lang[i][j].label[0] in stop_consonants # Is a stop consonant and j + 1 < len(lang[i]) # Has an entry after it and lang[i][j+1].label != "" # Not silence either and lang[i][j+1].label[0] in vowels): # Is a vowel or dipthong # Build a script to find where pitch stops # We're estimating VOT as "the time between where the # consonant Interval of the TextGrid ends, and the # beginning of pitch (voicing) starts". start = lang[i][j].start end = lang[i][j+1].end zero = lang[i][j].end script = [ 'Read from file: "{}"'.format(join(folder, '{}{}.wav'.format(langname, i+1))), 'To Pitch: 0, 75, 600'] for k in numpy.arange(start, end, .001): script.append('p = Get value at time: {:.3f}, "Hertz", "Linear"'.format(k)) script.append('appendInfoLine: p') script.append('') script = "\n".join(script) f = open(join(folder, "tempscript.praat"), "w") f.write(script) f.close() s = subprocess.run(["praat", join(folder, "tempscript.praat")], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) s = str(s.stdout)[2:].split("\\n") pitch_start = 0 for line in s: if line == "--undefined--": pitch_start += 1 else: break if not (pitch_start == 0 or pitch_start == len(s)): # Find where the pitch starts, relative to the sound file results = (start + pitch_start) - zero if lang[i][j].label[0] + lang[i][j+1].label[0] not in vot: vot[lang[i][j].label[0] + lang[i][j+1].label[0]] = [] vot[lang[i][j].label[0] + lang[i][j+1].label[0]].append(str(results)) for key in sorted(vot): print("{},{},{}".format(key[0], key[1], ",".join(vot[key])))