#define _BSD_SOURCE /* for unistd.h */ #ifdef _WIN32 # include # include # define SLEEP(delay) Sleep(delay/1000) // Unix builds require ncurses.h for the Ncurses library. // Unix also requires unistd.h for usleep(microseconds). // usleep/1000 = Sleep #else # include # include # define SLEEP(delay) usleep(delay) #endif #include #include #include #include "pass.h" #include "print.h" #include "wordParse.h" #include "intro.h" #define OFFSET_LEFT 0 #define OFFSET_RIGHT 20 #define BIGSTRING_SIZE 408 static int currentCharContains(char arr[],char c){ int i; for(i=0; i<12; i++) if(arr[i]==c) return 1; return 0; } static int getCharLoc(int y, int x){ /* Left side */ if(x<19) return 12*(y-5)+(x-7); /* Right side */ else return 12*(y-5)+(x-27+204); } void pass(){ /* Start a new screen where nodelay is false */ erase(); endwin(); initscr(); noecho(); refresh(); attron(A_BOLD); nodelay(stdscr, 0); if(has_colors() == 1){ // Colors start_color(); init_pair(1,COLOR_GREEN,COLOR_BLACK); attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); } /* Intro text */ char prompt[] = "ROBCO INDUSTRIES (TM) TERMLINK PROTOCOL"; passPrint(prompt,strlen(prompt),0); char prompt2[] = "ENTER PASSWORD NOW"; passPrint(prompt2, strlen(prompt2), 1); char prompt3[] = "4 ATTEMPT(S) LEFT: * * * *"; passPrint(prompt3, strlen(prompt3), 3); /* Generate the hex values on the left sides */ int arbHex; arbHex = (rand() % 200) + 63744; /* Generate the string to hold the bracket tricks and words */ char bigString [BIGSTRING_SIZE]; char randValues[] = "!@#$%^*()_-=+\\|/[]{}?\"\':;,.<>"; int i; for(i=0; i0){ valid = 1; /* Choose a random place in bigString */ place = rand()%(BIGSTRING_SIZE-WORD_SIZE); /* Check of any characters there or around it are A-Z */ for(i=place-1; i 64 && bigString[i] < 91){ valid = 0; break; } } if(valid){ int wordLoc = rand()%WORD_POOL_SIZE; if(takenWords[wordLoc]) valid=0; if(valid){ takenWords[wordLoc] = 1; /* Add the word to bigString */ for(i=place; i'); move(5,7); char currentChar[12]; /* Max length currentChar could be (total possible length of a bracket trick) */ currentChar[0] = (char)mvinch(5,7); // TODO Clear any key presses that may have occurred during this loading sequence int y,x,origy,origx,starty,startx; /* values that keep track of current yx locations, and original ones */ int wordLength; /* How long a word is */ int charStart; /* where character counting starts for brackets */ char keyPress; /* key pressed by user */ int charCounter; /* counts currentChar - used for incrementing currentChar to print or change it */ int bracketLength; /* length of a bracket trick */ char endBracket; /* the end bracket that corresponds to currentChar[0]; */ int bracketTricks=0; /* Total number of bracket tricks used */ int needsClearing = 0; /* Whether or not highlights need to be purged */ int needsClearingMultiLine = 0; /* Whether or not a multi line highlight needs to be purged */ char output[13]; /* Used for side terminal output */ int allowances = 4; while(1){ getyx(stdscr,y,x); /* Get allowances left */ mvprintw(1,0," "); mvprintw(3,0," "); switch(allowances){ case 1: mvprintw(3,0,"1 ATTEMPT(S) LEFT: *"); attron(A_BLINK); mvprintw(1,0,"!!! WARNING: LOCKOUT IMNINENT !!!"); attroff(A_BLINK); attron(A_BOLD); break; case 2: mvprintw(3,0,"2 ATTEMPT(S) LEFT: * *"); mvprintw(1,0,"ENTER PASSWORD NOW"); break; case 3: mvprintw(3,0,"3 ATTEMPT(S) LEFT: * * *"); mvprintw(1,0,"ENTER PASSWORD NOW"); break; case 4: mvprintw(3,0,"4 ATTEMPT(S) LEFT: * * * *"); mvprintw(1,0,"ENTER PASSWORD NOW"); break; case 0: clear(); mvprintw(10,20,"TERMINAL LOCKED"); mvprintw(12,12,"PLEASE CONTACT AN ADMINISTRATOR"); refresh(); SLEEP(3000000); endwin(); if(strlen(getCompleteProg())> 2) system(getCompleteProg()); freeAll(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } refresh(); move(y,x); /* Check if highlights need to be purged */ if(needsClearing){ charCounter = 0; while(charCounter!=bracketLength+1){ currentChar[charCounter] = (char)mvinch(origy,charStart+charCounter); mvprintw(origy,charStart+charCounter,"%c",(int)currentChar[charCounter]); charCounter++; } mvprintw(21,41," ",currentChar[0]); needsClearing = 0; move(y,origx); } if(needsClearingMultiLine){ charCounter = 0; while(charCounter!=wordLength){ currentChar[charCounter] = (char)mvinch(starty,startx); mvprintw(starty,startx,"%c",currentChar[charCounter]); charCounter++; startx++; if(startx==19 || startx==39){ startx-=12; starty++; if(starty == 22) { starty = 5; startx+=20; } } } mvprintw(21,41," ",currentChar[0]); needsClearingMultiLine = 0; move(y,x); } /* Clear the char array */ for(i=0;i<12;i++) currentChar[i]=' '; currentChar[0] = (char) (char)mvinch(y,x); /* Set the new y and x to origy and origx */ origy = y; origx = x; /* Check for bracket tricks */ if((currentChar[0]=='(' || currentChar[0]=='<' || currentChar[0]=='[' || currentChar[0]=='{') && usedBrackets[getCharLoc(y,x)] && bracketTricks' && currentChar[0]=='<') || (endBracket == ']' && currentChar[0]=='[') || (endBracket == '}' && currentChar[0]=='{')){ /* Reprint the bracket trick with highlight */ attron(A_STANDOUT); charCounter = 0; while(1){ currentChar[charCounter] = (char)mvinch(y,charStart+charCounter); mvprintw(y,charStart+charCounter,"%c",currentChar[charCounter]); if(currentChar[charCounter] == endBracket) break; charCounter++; } attroff(A_STANDOUT); /* Print the bracket trick to output */ attron(A_BOLD); for(i=0;i<=charCounter;i++) mvprintw(21,41+i,"%c",(int)currentChar[i]); /* Notify that highlighting will need to be cleared next move */ needsClearing = 1; } } if(!((endBracket == ')' && currentChar[0]=='(') || (endBracket == '>' && currentChar[0]=='<') || (endBracket == ']' && currentChar[0]=='[') || (endBracket == '}' && currentChar[0]=='{'))){ mvprintw(21,41,"%c",currentChar[0]); } } /* Check for letters */ else if(currentChar[0]>64 && currentChar[0]<91){ /* Check for letter behind the current location */ int tempx = x; int tempy = y; while(bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)-1]>64 && bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)-1]<91){ currentChar[0] = bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)]; tempx--; if(tempx==6 || tempx==26){ tempx+=12; tempy--; if(tempy == 4){ tempy = 21; tempx-=20; } } } startx = tempx; starty = tempy; /* We'll need the location of the first char for cleaning */ /* And start there */ charCounter = 0; while(bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)+1]>64 && bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)+1]<91){ currentChar[charCounter] = bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)]; charCounter++; tempx++; if(tempx==19 || tempx==39){ tempx-=12; tempy++; if(tempy == 22) { tempy = 5; tempx+=20; } } } /* Now currentChar is the String, and charCounter+1 is the length */ wordLength = charCounter+1; /* Reprint the word with highlight */ tempx = startx; tempy = starty; attron(A_STANDOUT); charCounter = 0; while(charCounter!=wordLength){ currentChar[charCounter] = (char)mvinch(tempy,tempx); mvprintw(tempy,tempx,"%c",currentChar[charCounter]); charCounter++; tempx++; if(tempx==19 || tempx==39){ tempx-=12; tempy++; if(tempy == 22) { tempy = 5; tempx+=20; } } } attroff(A_STANDOUT); /* Print the word to output */ attron(A_BOLD); for(i=0;i5) move(y-1,x); } if(keyPress=='s'){ if(y<21) move(y+1,x); } if(keyPress=='a'){ if(x>7){ if(x==27) move(y,18); else move(y,x-1); } } if(keyPress=='d'){ if(x<38){ if(x==18) move(y,27); else move(y,x+1); } } if(keyPress==3) /* Ctrl-C */ exit(0); if(keyPress=='\n'){ /* Enter */ mvprintw(17,40," "); mvprintw(18,40," "); mvprintw(19,40," "); /* If the char is a left bracket */ if(((currentChar[0]=='(') && currentCharContains(currentChar,')')) || (currentChar[0]=='<' && currentCharContains(currentChar,'>')) || (currentChar[0]=='[' && currentCharContains(currentChar,']')) || (currentChar[0]=='{' && currentCharContains(currentChar,'}'))){ /* Set the selected bracket as used */ usedBrackets[getCharLoc(y,x)] = 0; /* Increment total bracket tricks used */ bracketTricks++; if(rand()%5==0){ /* 20% chance of allowance replenish */ sprintf(output,"Allowance "); mvprintw(18,40,">"); for(i=0;i<12;i++){ mvprintw(18,41+i,"%c",output[i]); } sprintf(output,"replenished."); mvprintw(19,40,">"); for(i=0;i<12;i++){ mvprintw(19,41+i,"%c",output[i]); } allowances = 4; } else{ /* Remove a dud */ int tempx,tempy; pickagain:do{ if(rand()%2==0) tempx = (rand()%12)+7; else tempx = (rand()%12)+27; tempy = (rand()%17)+5; } while(!(bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)]>64 && bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)]<91)); while(bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)-1]>64 && bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)-1]<91){ tempx--; if(tempx==6 || tempx==26){ tempx+=12; tempy--; } } startx = tempx; starty = tempy; charCounter = 0; while(bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)+1]>64 && bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)+1]<91){ currentChar[charCounter] = bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)]; charCounter++; tempx++; if(tempx==19 || tempx==39){ tempx-=12; tempy++; } } /* Check if currentChar = correctWord */ int allCorrect=1; for(i=0;i64 && bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)]<91){ mvprintw(tempy,tempx,"%c",'.'); bigString[getCharLoc(tempy,tempx)] = '.'; tempx++; if(tempx==19 || tempx==39){ tempx-=12; tempy++; } } sprintf(output,"Dud removed."); mvprintw(19,40,">"); for(i=0;i<12;i++){ mvprintw(19,41+i,"%c",output[i]); } } } /* Else compare it to the correct word */ else{ int rightLetters = WORD_SIZE; for(i=0;i"); for(i=0;i<12;i++){ mvprintw(15,41+i,"%c",currentChar[i]); } sprintf(output,"Exact match!"); mvprintw(16,40,">"); for(i=0;i<12;i++){ mvprintw(16,41+i,"%c",output[i]); } sprintf(output,"Please wait "); mvprintw(17,40,">"); for(i=0;i<12;i++){ mvprintw(17,41+i,"%c",output[i]); } sprintf(output,"while system"); mvprintw(18,40,">"); for(i=0;i<12;i++){ mvprintw(18,41+i,"%c",output[i]); } sprintf(output,"is accessed."); mvprintw(19,40,">"); for(i=0;i<12;i++){ mvprintw(19,41+i,"%c",output[i]); } refresh(); SLEEP(3000000); endwin(); if(strlen(getVictoryProg()) > 2) system(getVictoryProg()); else if(strlen(getCompleteProg())> 2) system(getCompleteProg()); freeAll(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else{ mvprintw(17,40,">"); for(i=0;i<12;i++){ mvprintw(17,41+i,"%c",currentChar[i]); } sprintf(output,"Entry denied"); mvprintw(18,40,">"); for(i=0;i<12;i++){ mvprintw(18,41+i,"%c",output[i]); } sprintf(output,"%d/%d correct.",rightLetters,WORD_SIZE); mvprintw(19,40,">"); for(i=0;i<12;i++){ mvprintw(19,41+i,"%c",output[i]); } allowances--; } } move(y,x); } refresh(); } endwin(); freeAll(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }