module.exports = function (io) { var app = require('express')(); // Body parsing var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true})); app.use(bodyParser.json()); // Validation var expressValidator = require('express-validator'); app.use(expressValidator()); // Child process, for spawning youtube-dl var child_process = require('child_process'); // The location of the youtube-dl executable var YOUTUBE_DL_LOC = '/usr/bin/youtube-dl' // Keep track of music to play, playing, and played var playlist = []; var playing = 'None'; var played = []; var Player = require('player'); // Create a player with the proper error handling. function playerCreator(song) { if (song) return new Player(song) .on('error', function(err) {playerHandleError(playlist, played)}) return new Player() .on('error', function(err) {playerHandleError(playlist, played)}) } player = playerCreator(); playerState = 'playing'; io.on('connection', function(socket){ io.emit(playerState); socket.on('chat message', function(msg){ io.emit('chat message', msg); }); // TODO handle button when nothing is playing. socket.on('pause', function() { console.log('pausing'); io.emit('player-transition', 'Pausing'); player.pause(); playerState = 'paused'; // Player is a high quality plugin, and breaks if you spam // pause(). So put a 3 second delay in between // transitions. // TODO Find a better way to handle this. setTimeout(function() { io.emit('paused'); }, 3000); }); socket.on('play', function() { console.log('playing'); io.emit('player-transition', 'Playing'); player.pause(); playerState = 'playing'; setTimeout(function() { io.emit('playing'); }, 3000); }); }); // Player functionality // Songs move from playlist (if nothing is playing presently), to playing, to played. // TODO check if song already exists in played. // event: on error (No next song was found). function playerHandleError(playlist, played) { // TODO Workaround for a bug in player: wait a couple seconds so the // songs don't overlap. // Move the recently playing song to played. played.push(playing); if (playlist.length != 0) { // Play the next song. player = playerCreator(playlist[0]);; // Remove the added song. playing = playlist[0]; playlist.shift(); } else { // Reset the object, resetting its playlist. player = playerCreator(); playing = 'None'; } } // Add a song and start the playlist, if it's empty. function playerAddSong(song) { if (player.list.length == 0) { // If this is the player's first song, start it. player = playerCreator(song);; playing = song; } else { // Otherwise add it to the queue playlist.push(song); } } /* GET home page. */ app.get('/', function(req, res, next) { var playlist_view; if(playlist.length) { playlist_view = '


'; } else { playlist_view = '

No songs in playlist.

'; } var playing_view = '

Now playing: ' + playing.replace(/^\.\/downloads\//, '') .replace(/\.mp3$/, '') + '

'; var played_view; if(played.length) { played_view = '


'; } else { played_view = '

No played songs.

'; } res.render('index', { playlist_view: playlist_view, playing_view: playing_view, played_view: played_view }); }); app.get('/youtube', function(req, res, next) { res.render('youtube'); }); app.use(expressValidator({ customValidators: { dlSuccess: function(video) { // Test if the requested video is available. // TODO make this non-blocking so music doesn't stop var youtube_dl = child_process.spawnSync(YOUTUBE_DL_LOC, ['-s', video]); // DEBUG: for when I forget to change the var if(youtube_dl.stderr == null) { console.log('Your youtube-dl location is probably invalid.'); } if (youtube_dl.stderr.toString()) { return false; } return true; } } } ));'/youtube', function(req, res) { var video =; req.checkBody('video', 'URL is not valid.').dlSuccess(); var errors = req.validationErrors(); if(errors){ res.render('youtube', { errors:errors }); } else { var youtube_dl = child_process.spawn(YOUTUBE_DL_LOC, ['-x', '--audio-format', 'mp3', '-o', 'downloads/%(title)s.%(ext)s', video]); youtube_dl.on('close', (code) => { console.log('Done getting ' + video); var error; youtube_dl.stderr.on('data', (data) => { error = data; console.log(`Error getting video: ${data}`); // TODO give error to user when they return to / }); if(!error) { var youtube_dl_get_title = child_process.spawnSync(YOUTUBE_DL_LOC, ['--get-title', video]); console.log(youtube_dl_get_title.stdout.toString()); playerAddSong('./downloads/' + youtube_dl_get_title.stdout.toString() .replace('\n', '') .replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '\'') + '.mp3'); } res.redirect('/'); }); } }); app.get('/file', function(req, res, next) { res.render('file'); }); // Return the router. return app; // module.exports = app; };