ansible.cfg 519 B

  1. # config file for ansible --
  2. # ===============================================
  3. [defaults]
  4. inventory = ./hosts
  5. host_key_checking=False
  6. [inventory]
  7. [privilege_escalation]
  8. become=True
  9. become_method=sudo
  10. become_user=root
  11. become_ask_pass=False
  12. [paramiko_connection]
  13. [ssh_connection]
  14. [persistent_connection]
  15. [accelerate]
  16. [selinux]
  17. [colors]
  18. [diff]
  19. # Always print diff when running ( same as always running with -D/--diff )
  20. always = yes
  21. # Set how many context lines to show in diff
  22. context = 5