Histórico de Commits

Autor SHA1 Mensagem Data
  Joshua Bicking ce5345baff updated todo list and bug list há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking 0ecf447bda added debugging option in makefile há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking 84aefcaf6f implemented the file reading in other files há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking 152ef5622d added key configuration há 9 anos atrás
  Josh Bicking 563a803005 undid Makefile change, gcc doesn't seem to solve issues há 9 anos atrás
  Josh Bicking dfe683a2a5 used gcc for building osx; updated makefile accordingly há 9 anos atrás
  Josh Bicking (RIT Student) 825d3f6742 rebuilt osx binaries há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking 69f1c5a290 cleaned up comments. fixed an allocation bug in setWordArr há 9 anos atrás
  Josh Bicking 276943b955 bundled a default config file with the binaries há 9 anos atrás
  Josh Bicking 84c1562cde updated Windows and OSX building instructions há 9 anos atrás
  Josh Bicking 97d6efcca4 added osx binary. fixed an overflow error in pass há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking acfe47a834 added a bug to the readme há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking d42a1c802b removed recusive binary exclusion há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking d97283e8cc added linux binary. moved binary folders for architecture identification há 9 anos atrás
  Josh Bicking 7a71dae53f updated windows binary há 9 anos atrás
  Josh Bicking 9923aaf90e added clean for windows. explained defaultWords.txt há 9 anos atrás
  Josh Bicking 632693181b removed old deps. Updated readme há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking ff5d0fd89e fixed some memory leaks há 9 anos atrás
  Josh Bicking 01d56102c7 fixed an operational error há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking fe9216e10c added getline source for Windows build. Updated license accordingly. há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking a230bf4126 added program launching after victory/completion. works fine on Linux. still need to test it a bit on other platforms há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking 63ab130d08 reads words from the config file (if they are valid) há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking 5242bda9cf readded config file há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking 1e079977b6 move everything to the top for easier access há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking 108df950b1 fixed highlight going off word when words were on different sides (i'm sorry this branch is getting these general bugfixes) há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking 28f09ec774 fixed words being printed multiple times há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking 87938200fe removed wordList leftover from test há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking 601fa903b7 added args to indicate default behavior for different difficulties há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking b89e56d976 added basic config file há 9 anos atrás
  Joshua Bicking 7cd1623819 fixed issues with merge há 9 anos atrás